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reDesign Shopping Cart - 2022
University Project
The reDesign Shopping Cart project connects social design with industry, aiming to create a universally usable product. Focused on enhancing the independence of visually impaired individuals during their grocery shopping.

Probes were used to simulate the grocery experience for visually impaired individuals. Voice message interviews revealed that large trolleys are avoided due to spatial perception issues, and certain aisles are bypassed to prevent collisions. A double Grocery Experience compared the pain points of visually impaired and unimpaired shoppers, highlighting issues with trolley height, depth, and the need to leave the cart to pick items from shelves.
The reDesign Shopping Cart features a specially designed handle that can be added to existing carts. This ergonomic handle, designed with appropriate colors and a non-invasive approach, transforms the classic shopping cart into a more functional and accessible product for everyone.

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